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group headquarter taking several measures to enhance office efficiency


   on august 19, group issued a notice requiring the staff in headquarter to improve office efficiency, standardize work processes, and further build lean and efficient headquarter.


  these measures are detailed as below. firstly, circulation of paper documents should be canceled to the maximum extent. for the documents circulated online, in principle, within five working days complete the relevant issuing work and feed back the results, while adhering to the principle of "special matters, special treatment; emergency matters, quick treatment". for important issues, take quick response. secondly, headquarter should hold a regular meeting at 9:00 a.m. every monday, to deploy and study the important work, and supervise the endorsement of the documents. ding hongbin, chairman of the board of supervisors in guoqing holding group, is in charge of the supervision function, and the integrated management department is in charge of the implementation in details. thirdly, important documents should be filed in time, and the main responsible departments must input archived data into the e-archives system. at the end of each month, they should transfer satisfactory paper files to record room of integrated management department for archiving. fourthly, leave records of department deputy general managers and above personnel in headquarter should be registered online.



  notice requires staff in headquarter to strictly implement the work processes, and the subsidiary group (business headquarter), branch companies and wholly-owned subsidiaries shall be governed by analogy to put the jobs in practice.
