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guoqing holding group held an economic work conference for the first half of 2013


   economic work conference of guoqing holding group for the first half of 2013 was held in qingjian xianggen hot spring hotel on july 12. the meeting made a summary of the focus in the first half of 2013 as well as work performance of the headquarters and its subgroup (business department), reported the main economic indicators of each unit, and made a work deployment for the second half of the year. board chairman and ceo du bo, president zhang zhihua, supervisory board chairman ding hongbin, ceo shang yongle, song xiuyi, and zhu guangjun sat on the rostrum.


   chairman du made an important speech. as he said, after guoqing architecture was adjusted, the headquarters, its subgroup, and the business headquarters, each performed its own functions well. for the work focus in the second half of the year,  chairman du pointed out: firstly, a dynamic operating mechanism should be established; secondly, the enterprise development needs a clear strategy guide.


   chairman du said that in recent years the development direction and speed are both realistic according to the guide strategy. strategic orientation needs to be further defined in the future, that is, “regard the market as the guidance, take the customer as the center, realize the common growth in employee value”.


   president zhang made a report titled “strengthen three focuses and achieve three breakthroughs to ensure the successful completion of the full-year target”. president zhang pointed out that in the first half of year the company well finished all the business goals, and essentially realized half task within half a year. profits increased by 51.95% year-to-year, turnover increased by 32.76% year-to-year, the value of newly signed contracts increased by 22.73% year-to-year.



   after the meeting, the headquarters and various business sectors discussed in groups and studied the meeting spirit. ding hongbin presided over the meeting and made relevant summary. as he said, the meeting was very successful, and the participants were expected to rapidly implement the leader’s speech spirit in each work.
